Home Name Document Number Document Type Map Recording Date Book and Page Parcel Number Options Welcome to the Stanislaus County Clerk-Recorder's Official Records Index Search by Name All Grantor Grantee Please enter Person's LAST Name [space] FIRST Name(ex. smith allison) or fraction there of (ie. smith a) or enter Business Name Allow Partial Match MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Document Number Document Numbers Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Book and Page Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by Recording Date MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Document Type MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Document Types ABAND DITCH ABANDON HOMESTEAD ABANDON OF AGREE ABANDON STATE HIGHWAY ABSTRACT OF AGREE ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT ABSTRACT OF LEASE ABSTRACT OF OPTION ACCEPTANCE ADDEN AGREE ADDEN EASE ADDEN JUDG ADDEN LEASE ADDEN TRUST ADMIN BOND ADVANCE TD AFF ACQUIS AFF BNDRY CH AFF CONVERSN AFF INDEMN AFF INDENITY AFF OWNERSHP AFF TITLE AFF WAIVER AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT MFG HOME AFFIXATION AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION AFFIDAVIT TERM LIFE ESTATE AGREE AND WAIVER AGREE ANNEX AGREE ASSUMP AND MOD AGREE MOD TD AGREE NOT TO ENCUMBER AGREE OF SALE AGREEMENT AGREEMENT AM & CONT FS AM ASGMT LS AM ASGN RENT AM CERT RED AM CHARTER AM DEC TRUST AM DISS MAR AM JDG & ORD AM NOT TR SL AM NOT TRNSF AM NTCE ACTN AM PL LN MAP AM RQ IN/COP AM ST HWY MP AM ST PTNSHP AM SUP INDEN AM TR AGREE AMEND AFFID AMEND AGREE AMEND ASSESSMENT MAP AMEND ASSIGNMENT MTG AMEND ASSIGNMENT TD AMEND CERT AMEND CONSTRUCTION TD AMEND CONTR AMEND DECL AMEND DECL RESTRICTIONS AMEND DEED AMEND EASEMENT AMEND FINANCE STATEMENT AMEND FLOOD MAP AMEND JUDG AMEND LEASE AMEND LETTER AMEND LIEN AMEND ORDER AMEND P M AMEND RECON AMEND SEC AGREE AMEND SUBS AMEND TD AMENDED ORDER/DECREE AMND CEM MAP AMND SUBD MP AMND TR DEED ANEX & RESTR ANNEXATION APMT TRUSTEE APPL TO SELL APT ARCH COM APTD TRUSTEE ARMY PERMIT ART INCORP ASGM CSTR TD ASGM FN STMT ASGMT CONTR ASGMT INDEBT ASGMT JUDG ASGMT LEASE ASGMT LIEN ASGMT LN/TD ASGMT MTG ASGMT O&G LS ASGMT OPTN ASGMT OPTN ASGMT ORDER ASGMT RENTS ASGMT SEC AGREE ASGMT T D ASGMT/ASUMPT ASGNMNT SECURITY INSTRUMENT ASSESS MAP ASSESS NTCE ASSIGN INTER ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT ASSUMPTION/MODIFICATION - TRUST DEED ASUMPT AGREE ASUMPT/AGREE ASUMPT/REL/AGREE AUTH COR LS BILL SALE BIRTH ABROAD BLD SAF REL BLDG CONTR BLNK SUBS TR BOND BOND LOST T D BOND RL LIEN BOUNDARY MAP BULD SAF LN BYLAWS CANCEL AGREE CANCEL ANNEX CANCEL LEASE CANCEL LEASE CANCEL NOTICE OF DEFAULT CANCEL TD CANCL RECON CEMETERY MAP CERT ACCEPT CERT AMT DUE CERT AUTHEN CERT BAPTISM CERT CANCEL CERT CANCEL LIEN CERT CHAP 11 CERT CORRECT CERT DISCHG CERT EXIST CERT INTRT CERT MAP COR CERT OF COMPLETION CERT OF COMPLIANCE CERT REDEMP CERT REL LN CERT SALE CERT SERV CERT TITLE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OF CONVERSION CHARTER CLAIM LIEN CLM RL PROP CNCL ASG RNT CNCL LTD PTN CNCL PTN AGR CNCL PWR SEL CNCL RESTRIC CNCL SB TRST CNCL TX DEED CNFM EXP LSE CONDO PLAN CONSENT CONSENT CONSENT EASE CONSENT/WAIV CONSERV EASE CONSNT ASGMT CONSNT CANCL CONSNT ENCMB CONSNT LEASE CONSNT REMV CONSNT SALE CONSNT TRANS CONSTI BY-LW CONSTR CONTR CONSTR T D CONTINUATION FINANCE STATEMENT CONTR PL&SPC CONTRACT CONVEYANCE COR Q C DEED CORREC ASGMT CORREC DEED CORREC DISCH CTF AM ARTCL CTF AMT D EX CTF DELNQ TX CTF ER TX D CTF LTD PTN CTF MIL SERV CTF OCCUPY CTF OWNERSHP CTF PTL PMT CTF SBD LIEN CTF TAX REF CTF TRANSFER CTF WN CONTR CTR COMPLTN DEATH ABROAD DECL DEATH DECL HMSTD DECL INTENT DECL PUBLICA DECL RESTRIC DECL TAKING DECL TERM DECL TRUST DECLARATION DECLARATION DECLARATION UNDER PROBATE CODE DECREE DECREE QT TI DEDICATION DEED DEED RESTRIC DEFAULT DEL TX NTCE DESIG FL MAP DESIG TRSTEE DIS JT VENTR DIS NTCE ACT DISCH ASGMT DISCH BKRPT DISCH DEBTOR DISCHRG-PUB DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCON AGREE DISS JUDG DISS PTNSHP DISS PTNSHP DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE DITCH AGREE DOC# NOT USE EASE PERMIT EASE QC DEED EASEMENT ESTOPPEL AFF EXEC & ATACH EXPNG NT ACT EXT TAX LIEN EXT TAX LIEN EXTEND LEASE F S OTHER FED ES TX LN FIC ASG RENT FICT T D FIN STMT FORECLOSURE COMMISSIONER DESIGNATION FOREST LIEN FOREST LN RE GRANT IMPROVE LOAN IND ASG RENT IND SEC AGR INDENT MTG INDENT T D INSTR SURREN IRREV LIV TR JUDG & ORDER JUDG QT TI JUDG/DECREE JUDGMENT JUDICIAL MAP LAB/MAT BOND LAND CONTR LANDLOR WAIV LANDLORD CFT LEASE LEASE AGREE LEASE INDENT LEASEBACK LETTER ADMIN LETTER RELIN LETTERS CVTR LETTERS GUAR LETTERS TEST LIEN LOT LN ADJUS LTD PSHP AGR MAINT BOND MARR ABROAD MECH LIENS MEMO AGREE MEMO ASG RNT MEMO JUDG MEMO LEASE MEMO LS/OPTN MEMO O&G LS MEMO PUR AGR MEMO RSTR SL MEMO SUBLSE MEMO TERM LS MEMO TRUST MEMO/ASSUMPT MEMORANDUM MERGER MISCL MOBLHM INSTL MOD ASG RTS MOD DECL RES MOD LD CONTR MOD SEC INST MODIF CO T D MODIF LEASE MODIF RESTR MODIF T D MODIFICATION MORTGAGE MORTGAGE MTN DISMISS N CONS EASEM NEGATIVE DEC NON ATTCH NON COMPLY NON RENEWAL NOTARY BOND NOTICE NOTICE AR NOTICE INTENDED TRANSFER NOTICE OF NON RENEWAL NOTIFICATION NT WHDL JUDG NTC FED LIEN NTC SUB PAYE NTCE ACTION NTCE APPT NTCE ATTACH NTCE CANCEL NTCE CESSA NTCE CLM LN NTCE COMPLET NTCE CONDIT NTCE CONSENT NTCE DEFAULT NTCE DETERM NTCE DISCLMR NTCE EN PERM NTCE EXEMPT NTCE EXTEND NTCE FNL DES NTCE HOME LN NTCE INT AFF NTCE INTENT NTCE LEVY NTCE LOCATN NTCE MERGER NTCE NO RESP NTCE NONACCE NTCE OPT PUR NTCE PRESERV NTCE PWR SEL NTCE RE TD NTCE REL AGR NTCE RENEWAL NTCE RN JUDG NTCE SATISF NTCE SEC AGR NTCE TR SALE NTCE VIOLATN O & G LEASE OFFER DEDICA OFFICL BOND OPTION OPTN ASGMT OPTN PURCH ORD EXP LIEN ORDER ORDER BKRUPT ORDER CONDEM ORDER EXPUNG ORDER QT TI ORDER SUPORT ORDER/CANCEL ORDER/DECREE ORDINANCE ORGANIZATION P ASG O&G LS P/W LIS PENS PARCEL MAP PATENT PAYMENT BOND PERFORM BOND PETITION PETITN/CONTR PHOTOCOPIES PLAN LN MAP POWER ATTY PRESUM SATIS PROOF LABOR PROP ACTION PTL ASGM FS PTL ASGM JDG PTL ASGMT TD PTL RECON PTL REL AGRE PTL REL ASGM PTL REL CERT PTL REL DECL PTL REL F S PTL REL INTR PTL REL INTR PTL REL JUDG PTL REL LIEN PTL REL LSE PTL REL N A PTL REL OBLG PTL REL ORD PTL REV EASE PTL TERM FS PTNSHP AGREE PTNSHP WITHD PUBLIC NTCE Q C DEED QC & NTC REL QC O&G LEASE R R AMEND TD R R ASGMT R R REL T D R R TR DEED R REC AB JDG R REC ASG LS R REC ASG TD R REC SEC AG RATIF & ORDR RATIF AGREE RATIF LEASE RATIF O&G LS RD COV/COND RE REC AFFID RE REC AGREE RE REC ASGMT RE REC ASGMT RE REC DEED RE REC EASE RE REC FS RE REC JUDG RE REC LIEN RE REC MERG RE REC RECON RE REC SUBOR RE REC TD RE-REC SUBOR REASGM LEASE REASGMT JUDG REASGMT MTG REASGMT RENT REASGMT T D REASSIGNMENT RECEIPT RECEIVE CERT RECONVEYANCE REFILE FED TAX LIEN REFORM T D REINST OPTN REINSTATE TD REL & ASSIGN REL & MODIF REL AGREE REL AGREE REL AGREE REL ASGM/AGR REL ASMT TD REL ASSIGN REL ATTACH REL CON/WAIV REL EQUITY REL FIN STMT REL JUDG REL LEASE REL LIEN REL LIEN BND REL MTG REL NOT LEVY REL NTCE ACT REL NTCE ADV REL O&G LSE REL ORDER REL PROP BND REL RECISSN REL REQ NTCE REL RT RED REL STR AGR REL TAX JUDG REL TAX LIEN REL TAX LIEN REL WAIVER REL WRIT EXC REL/QC LSE REL/REASSIGN RELEASE RELEASE ASGNMNT RENTS RELEASE TD RELINQ RT WY RENEW JUDG REQ DISMISL REQ INFO/COP REQ NOTICE RESCISSION RESCISSION DEED Rescission of Declaration of Restrictions RESERV EASE RESIGN TRTEE RESO CNF EXP RESOLUTION RESTR EXEMP RESTRICTIONS Restrictive Covenant Modification REV OF REL REV PWR ATTY REV TRUST REVOCABLE TOD DEED REVOCATION REVOCATION DEED REVOCATION OF REV TOD RIDER RIGHT OF WAY RMV NTC PEND RPT CASUALTY RPT EXPT PRO RR AM ASN TD RR AM DC RES RR CERT EXIS RR CONSTR TD RR CONT FS RR DEC RESTR RR DECL DTH RR FED TX LN RR JDG & ORD RR LT LN ADJ RR MOD AGREE RR MOD EASE RR MODIF TD RR NOT COMPL RR NOT DEFLT RR NOT TR SL RR POW ATTY RR PTL RECON RR Q C DEED RR REL JUDG RR REL LIEN RR REL LIEN RR REL NT AC RR REQ INFO RR REQ NOT RR SUB TRSTE RT OF WY MAP RV TRSTEE DD SATIS ADV SATIS CONDIT SATIS T D SB TD/O&G LS SEC AGREE SEVER AGREE SEWER AGREE SHER CRT SL SL DEP RECPT ST HWY MAP STMT AUTHORI STMT FACTS STMT PTNSHP STR IMPR AGR SUB FED LIEN SUB TAX LIEN SUBCONTR BND SUBD MAP SUBORD AGREE SUBORD FS SUBORD FS SUBORD MTG SUBORD T D SUBS ATTY SUBS TRUSTEE SUP MTG/AGR SUPPL DISSOL SUPPL INDENT SUPPL T D SUPPL TD SURR LSE OPT SURR RIGHTS SURVEY MAP TAX JUDG TERM & REL TERM AGREE TERM FN STMT TERM OF REIM TERM OPTION TERM ORDER TERM PTN AGR TERM TENANCY TERM TRUST TERM TRUST TERMINATION TM LND CONTR TRANS PTNSHP TRNS FOR MAR TRUST AGREE TRUST DEED TRUST INDENT TRUST INDENT TRUSTEE DEED UNDERTAK REL UNKNOWN USE PLT RECON 460 INSTEAD USE ASSESS NTCE 292 INSTEAD USE CERTIFICATE 582 INSTEAD USE DECLARATION 97 INSTEAD VENDOR LIEN WAIV & AGREE WAIVER WAIVER WAIVER & REL WAIVER/AGREE WARRANTY DEED WATER LIC WITHDR NT AC WITHDR NTC WITHDRAWAL WITHDRWL LN WRIT WRIT ATTACH WRIT ENFORCE WRIT EXECUTN ZONE PERMIT Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Map MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Document Types AM PL LN MAP AMEND FLOOD MAP AMND CEM MAP ASSESS MAP BOUNDARY MAP CEMETERY MAP CERT MAP COR DESIG FL MAP JUDICIAL MAP PARCEL MAP PLAN LN MAP RT OF WY MAP ST HWY MAP SUBD MAP SURVEY MAP Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Step #1 - Search Index Books Display Index Step #2 - Search Index Books Display Fiche Cell - Search Document Display Document Search By Document Number Document Numbers From*: YYYY - NNNNNNN To: YYYY - NNNNNNN Clear fields Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Predefined Search MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Predefined Search Types* Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by (APN) Assessor Parcel Number Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by Legal Description Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1850 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Options (only for Search Results) 10 items per page 20 items per page 50 items per page 100 items per page Show result in Regular Format Paragraph Format Combined Format Show Short Description This change will have effect after refreshing the web site. Pushing Apply button will automatically refresh the web site and navigate you to the Home page. Show All Name Combinations in "Search By Name" Ok Apply Cancel